Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Happy, my ass. I promised I wouldn't bitch about work, and I'm staying true to that promise, but what a crazy ass day. A few years ago, before my friend Ann moved to Minneapolis to attend Law School, we would always go out Thursday night (Ladies Night) and then we would "attempt" working on Drunken Fridays.

We did absolutely nothing besides fill ourselves with McDonald's,or any other hangover foods, drink a gallon of Sprite and take stupid pics of ourselves. And we laughed..and cried that our heads hurt so bad. Usually our heads hurt, from one of us trying to give the other one a piggy back ride, and of course crashing to the ground. Ahhhh, drunken Fridays.

Hot Husband & I have shared quite a few Drunken Fridays, and Mondays, and Tuesdays, and Wednesday, hell we might as well call it Drunk Week. Before you all jump to conclusions, that we are alcoholics, well ok, sometimes we are. But we're just trying to get it all out before we have little ones.

This whole baby making thing is a lot harder than you would think. For the past 5 months I've been charting my temperature, looking for signs, and having a lot of sex, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. We've talked to a lot of people that say that when they gave up, that's when they got pregnant. So if anyone can hear us, we're giving up. I can't complain yet, it's only been a few months, and I've had more sex in the last few months than all of my friends, put together.

It seems as though, a lot of my girlfriends are just not fans of sex. I think they are doing it wrong. How could you not enjoy it? My guess is that they are just not into trying new things, therefore sex becomes a chore.

Hot Husband & I have been together over 9 years, and our motto is "At least try everything once." I shouldn't say everything, because there is some pretty sick shit going on out there...but for the most part everything. Who knows you may find a side of yourself, you never knew existed. I think I'm going to start a business of making sex gift baskets to help women explore their sexuality and learn to be slutty; I'll include some porn, dildos, (notice there is more than one) K-Y, and a few bottles of wine. That should be enough to get someone started. And then maybe a coupon for Taco always seems to hit the spot. I gots to run, The Office is on!



Blogger Kel said...

Charting can be so frustrating all on it's own. We charted for our first child and I really had no idea what was going on. LOL

Sorry to hear your day at work was crappy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. ^_^

7:07 PM  
Blogger A Dad's Tough Day said...

Congradulations on making it into the blogging world. Now as they say we will hear "The rest of the story".

As for children enjoy this time "BC" Before Children because "AC" after childer your lives take on a whole new dimention.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Nick and Amy said...

Thank you guys so much for visiting! You all made my day:) Thanks for the advice as well. It's so nice to know that others went thru this.

8:16 AM  
Blogger b said...

Hi Jo,
I wrote a comment on Nick's blog a while back. I highly recommend the $200 ovulation kit (forget who makes it)

It is amazing. You pee on a stick every day for a month, and put the stick into the machine. It tells you your low, medium and high ovulation days.

It worked for me twice, and I've passed it down to two friends, who also got pregnant a month after starting the kit. They had both been trying for about 6 months prior to that.

I know the feeling of wanting to be pregnant yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

4:06 PM  
Blogger B said...

Found you through your husband's blog---and you've got a good start :) When I get back into my template, I'm going to add you to my links.

And I feel you on the DOOL thing...I got sucked into that show when I got mono in high school and at eleven oclock, i would turn my tv from whatever marki post lifetime movie network movie she had on and watch those crazy salemites.

I was kind of hoping that Abe caught Tek and Lexi rockin in the car though......

5:51 PM  
Blogger Nick and Amy said...

B- Thanx for the well wishes, It soundz like the $200 is well worth the money, we'll have to give it a shot.

Brianne- I just watched today's episode of DOOL (I recorded it,& just made Hot Husband watch it with me!) and I'd have to agree that Lexi needs to get busted. And Belle needs to be beat up by Mimi. I'd pay to see that! Thanx for stopping ladies!

7:05 PM  

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