Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another Saturday Night

Today Hot Husband & I particpated in a 5K race, well I wasn't racing, just trying to make it to the end without passing out! Hot Husband did pretty well 30 minutes & I was just over 34 minutes. It's funny, we just started training (if that's what you can call it.) this past week & it took me 16 minutes to run a mile. Guess we did a little better than we anticipated:) After that, I worked for a few hours, and we planned on whoopin it up this evening since we've been good all week. We went to the usual place for a few, and now I'm ready to pass out. Not drunk, just tired as hell. All that running takes a lot out of you. So I've noticed lately, that people seemed to be pissed off, alot more than usual. I went to get lunch yesterday, and ordered at the drive-thru, here's how it sounded:

BITCH: Would you like to try our new blah blah blah
ME: No thanks, I'd like a grilled chicken sandwich

BITCH: With a Coke,and curly fries.
(She wasn't asking, she was telling me)
ME: No a Mr. Pibb & can I get those potato bite things instead of fries?

ME: I'll pay extra, I just don't want the fries.

ME: Excuse Me?????
BITCH: You'll have to order than separately

I won't try to make this into a long story because everything happend in a span of 5 minutes. Needless to say when I got to the window, the chick had an attitude the whole time. Well it I had to deal with another crabass today, and Hot Husband was witness to it. He thinx I'm crazy, of course. What the hell ever happend to customer service? It's almost as you have to kiss someone's ass to help you these days. I could be wrong, but what do they get paid for anyways?

Last night we went to dinner, we walked in asked the guy to put our name down as we waited for a table. He didn't say anything, and then this girl comes in behind us and asks for her name. What the hell, are we invisible you little jackass? 2 days a go I was waiting in a line at a local office supplies store. A customer came up and asked the clerk about office furniture. After she told him she couldn's help him, she turned to me and said." I hate when people ask me questions about office furniture, I don't know anything about it.:"OK then, I bet that company has a very valuable employee right there. I'm done complaining, thanx for reading!



Blogger carrie said...

hahah.. yeah I was once a bitter customer service girl. I saw to it that every person who dared walk through the door came to regret it. I was AWFUL. but its awful work to serve the general public. highly demanding, unappreciative work. very degrading and extremely low paying. and (typically) the only people willing to do it are the last people you should have acting as the "face" of your company. its too bad more companies don't budget for better representation instead of thicker business cards or bigger neon signs :D

9:26 PM  
Blogger Nick and Amy said...

Carrie: You got a great point, about the highly demading, unappreciative work. Sometimes customers can be bigger assholes than the employees!

Lingo Slinger: Nice to mee you too!

Thanx for stopping by ladies, when I have a little more free time, I'll check out your blogs as well!

6:06 AM  

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