Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sorry I've been slackin on the posts, but life has kept me pretty busy. I am taking my state appraisal exam in 2 weeks, & I've been working on my Real Estate online classes. I can't wait until it's over with. My goal is to have both licenses by the end of August. That way, once the baby is born & I go back to work, I can start selling houses & do appraisals from home.

I am starting to feel Braeden everyday, sometimes just little flutters & sometimes it's so sudden & hard, it makes me jump. It's such a great feeling:) I'm now 23 weeks, and I also realized they have really ugly infant boys clothing around here. Not that our baby needs to be stylin all the time, but I would like to have some cute outfits. Guess we'll have to take a road trip. I found a couple of websites & ordered some cool stuff.

I apolgize for having nothing cool to write, but I'm just so busy with work, and studying. I feel like I have no creative energy in me, until I take this test & get it over with. A few more weeks. I'll post my 23 weeks photo, (we should be taking one tonite) so you can all see how Braeden has grown. Gotta Run!


Blogger Lindsay said...

You have an old navy close by???
That is where I get 90% of my sons stuff!
Thnat is sooo good that you are busy! It will make the end of your pregnancy go by so much faster!

6:29 PM  

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