Sunday, June 04, 2006

We Played "House."

This weekend was very productive for us. Besides doing quite a bit of yard work, I'm almost done cleaning the garage & tackling all the laundry that's been piling up all week. I was super tired earlier, but after my nap I was energized & just started moving.

Last night we practiced "being parents" by watching my 5 month old neice all night. She is such a happy baby, but it really opened my eyes to how much work we have ahead of us. Don't get me wrong, I never thought it would be easy, but I have to admit, I don't know what I would do without the Hot Husband. We worked as a team trying to bathe & change a baby who likes to move around alot.

It's been a long time since I've given a baby a bath, or had one in my possession for quite a few hours. Needless to say, I give sooo much credit to single mothers out there. Actually, I give credit to all mothers. It's quite a challenge, but I'm really looking forward to it:)

Everything went well at the doctor on Friday. I actually lost 3 lbs, but my doctor didn't say anything about it, so I'm assuming she wasn't worried. Also, our baby is apparently into acrobatics, he/she was playing hide & seek with the doctor when she was listening for the heartbeat. She'd hear it, & then a "swish" and then he/she would be on the other side of my belly. I almost shed a tear, and felt like a big dork when I did, but it was so cool to hear the heartbeat again. We have the ultrasound scheduled for June 23rd, so hopefully we can find out what we're having!

This week, I've got to get my state & national tests scheduled for my Residentail Appraisal license, and I've also decided to go ahead & obtain my Real Estate license. I've got a lot of work cut out before the baby comes, but I figure this is the best chance that I have right now to make money, and my own schedule. I know I complain about not winning the lottery..but you do have to play it, to even have a chance. I don't have any rich relatives, so I guess need to make money the old fashioned way, and work hard to get it.



Blogger b said...

Good luck with your test!

And yes, being a mom is hard, but I think it's easier watching your own kids versus someone else's kids. Not sure why, but watching someone else's is more tiring for me.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Nick and Amy said...

Thanx for the advice ladies! I have a feeling you guys will be able to help me through a couple of tough times. I will definately post what we are having!

5:58 AM  
Blogger AJ said...

How exciting... can't wait to find out the sex of the baby!

I, too, complain about never winning the lottery... but that might be because I never buy any lottery tickets.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...

Nothing anyone tells you prepares you for motherhood. Its something you learn as you go along.
The feelings associated with new motherhood vary in degrees per indiviual.

As as the lottery....they say you have the same chance of not winning whether you buy a ticket or

11:19 AM  

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