Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Can't Think of Anything to Write..

On Friday, I sent the hot husband to go play some poker with the boys so I could go clothes shopping with a friend. You don't know how bad I wanted to buy something, but I realized none of it is going to fit me by the time summer rolls around anyways. I refuse to wear any ugly maternity clothes, and from what I've seen around here, there's not too many options.

Anyways, when I got home at 9:30, I ended up cleaning my bathroom like a mad woman until 11:30. I swear I scrubbed every tile in there! My morning sickness a.k.a sickness right before I go to bed kicked in this weekend as well... Lovely.

Then on Saturday I felt like I was hungover and all I wanted to do was sleep. I crave sleep. So I took a nap in the afternoon after our hike, and then we watched "Just Like Heaven," with Reese Witherspoon. Very cute movie for those who haven't seen it yet.

We have pretty much notified everyone that we know to expect our November baby, so now it's just a waiting game. My next doc appt. is April 14th to hear the heartbeat:) I did buy the cutest little Onesies (forgive me if I'm spelling it wrong,) and a few sleepers on my Friday night shopping trip. I felt like a big loser becuz everytime I looked at any of the baby clothes I swear tears started to form "awwwwww....ohhhhh.....," I think my friend & I were speaking another language. She's got a 1 year old and is considering working on another this Summer.

I know hot husband has tons of pics on his blog, but I promise I will post my own very soon! I keep reminding him we have to take some pics now, so that we can compare each month of my pregnancy. Suprisingly, I've lost 4 lbs. since I found out I was pregnant. My guess is because I've completely switched my diet to fruits, veggies, and the healthiest foods I've ever eaten. So I hope that's normal.

Anyways, I'm kinda blabbin on about nothing, so I'll give this post a break! Thanx for stopping by! Have a great Monday!


Blogger A Dad's Tough Day said...

As for clothes Kel found some great stuff at Motherhood Maternity. They also have a catalog and Internet site.

Kel also found some stuff at She found they've got a whole lot more online than in the stores to boot.

6:27 PM  

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