Thursday, September 28, 2006

Out of 24 pictures this is the only one that looks slightly normal. In this photo I'm 34 weeks pregnant. I am so anxious to have this baby. Not only so I get my body back & stop ripping ass in my sleep....(thanx to HH for letting me & everyone else know that I do that...) Actually, it was quite funny:)

But seriously, I just want to reach my feet to paint my toes, or get off the couch without moaning & groaning with all these new aches & pains. I'm glad the first 2 trimesters were pretty easy, now we just have 6 weeks to get through.

Since we were just writing about fav. 80's shows, did anyone hear about Screech's sex tape? EWWWWWW for a number of reasons. First of all, how is a dirty sanchez sexy? PUKE. GROSS. and how is a Screech sexy? PUKE. GROSS. And that's about all I'm gonna say about that, it's making me nauseous.

Monday, September 25, 2006

HH had a great idea in writing about 80's TV shows, so here is my list & why I liked them:

Growing Pains: Mike Seaver, Boner & Eddie...what a great combination. Not to mention Kirk Cameron was on almost every cover of Teen Beat back then.

Saved By The Bell: Of course I wanted to be like Kelly, and Zack was so cute!

What do you get when you mix a dumbass, a slut & 2 cocky old ladies? Golden Girls, of course!

Married W/Children: Go Polk High!

Who's The Boss: I think I mainly liked it because I met Tony Danza at our mall when I was 7.

Quantum Leap: Can't really say why I liked this show, but I always watched it.

A-Team: Yo Sucka!

MacGuyver: Who else could make a bomb out of a paper clip and duct tape?

Double Dare: Who didn't want to be on this show at one point in time?

Does anyone remember the 80's show with the robot daughter? I think she always wore a red dress with an apron, maybe her name was Vicki????? It's been bugging the hell outta me, & I can't remeber the name.

Some shows I just can't explain why I liked them, but here is a list:

Full House
Wonder Years
Doogie Howser
Perfect Strangers

I hope that brought back a few memories for some of you , and sorry if I bored you to hell, but you could've stopped reading a long time ago!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm officially 33 weeks pregnant, and I feel HUGE. I'm also at the "uncomfortable" stage of pregnancy, where things ache, I'm out of breath, and I wish I could wear sweat pants to work:) We spent quite a bit of money on last minute things at Target last night, but as of right now, I think we're set for Braeden's arrival.

I have my bag packed for the hospital (I know it's a little early, but when I was a kid & I knew we were going on vacation, I'd pack & re-pack my bag a month before we were even going) I'm just anxious, and I want to be as prepared as possible.

It's funny how on the nights I sleep like a baby, HH is up every few hours & on the nights he's sound asleep I'm up. I think we are somehow preparing (without knowing it) for the lack of sleep once Braeden is here.

I feel like I should be nesting too, but I really don't have the energy or ambition to scrub all my floors & clean out closets. Maybe that'll hit me once I'm closer to actually giving birth. Anyways, I find it difficult to concentrate or think about anything else besides this baby. I suppose with him protruding off of what used to be my "wish I looked like Carmen Electra" abs, and kicking or punching the hell out of my bladder, it's hard to feel like I used to.

I know they say you can have sex up until the baby is born, but how in the hell is that possible? We've always been open and adventurous, but being this creative brings it to a whole new level. They say some women feel their sexiest when they are pregnant, well I'm not one of those women.

Anyways, enough about that. Did anyone see The Office tonite? I'd have to say it was pretty funny, we just bought Season 2 last night, so I'm looking forward to catching up on the ones we haven't seen yet. Other than that I'm just counting down the days until my maternity leave. 6 weeks to go!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Awww....isn't he handsome?

4 years & 20 lbs ago...


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Let The Countdown Begin

Everything went very well at the doctor this morning, baby & I are both healthy & happy. I've been studying like a mad woman to get my real estate license & wrap up things at work before my maternity leave starts, so sorry about the lack of posts...of course I really don't write that much anyways...

So my hormone's have made a mess of me lately. It's so strange that as much as you try to control your feelings, you just can't. I couldn't even relax & go to bed last night, because I was fuming over something stupid at work. The other day I felt lonely because HH wasn't home. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Anyways, I feel so ready & anxious for this baby to be born! I'm almost 32 weeks, so I have a few weeks to go, but I'm SO ANXIOUS! I'm sure all of you mothers know the feeling. Besides for wanting to meet this little guy, I want my body back. (I'll keep the boobs though!) I hate having to pee every freakin 30 minutes.

Tonite is the Mason Jennings concert, so I'm pretty excited about that. I get to leave work a little early, and come in late tomorrow:) It will be Braeden's 2nd Mason concert:)

I hope he is as musically inclined as his father. HH is really good on the guitar & I love when we just hang out & he plays music for us. I look forward to sitting by the fire this winter with our son & listening to him play the guitar...I'm so sappy, I know. It just makes me smile.

Anyways, let the countdown begin...