Wednesday, March 29, 2006


So something crazy happend to me today...I made somebody quit at our office. I just hired this girl 2 weeks ago, and she was supposed to be in at 10am. So she called up at 10:15 am & said "I'm running late, I had to bring my kid to the dentist.." blah blah. She is very aware of the fact that I HAD to leave by 10:30 to head out for school. I was pretty annoyed at this fact, considering I had a big test I had to study for yet, and she was going to be at least 30 min. late.

So I told her she really needs to notify me of things like this beforehand so that I can make other arrangements. I must've sounded like a bitch when I said it, because she never came in. And the funny thing is, even though I'll have tons more work to finish on my own, I don't even give a crap. I suppose she just wasn't working out anyways. So back to the drawing board.

Besides all that drama, I think I did really well on my Real Estate Appraisal exam. I have 2 more tests, a final, and then I can take the state test to become licensed:) Yay me!

I'm assuming most of you seen the Hot Husband's Spring Break post? I have to say I've never laughed so hard! It was hilarious, so if you haven't seen it yet, please check it out. He's always so creative with writing. I'm a little more creative with arty fartsy type things, so that's why most of my posts suck. Sorry.

I was so proud of 3 of my nephews last night. They found a kitten in their yard, and they coaxed it into the kennel, and we all brought it to the animal shelter. Of course I was more proud after they stopped crying that they couldn't keep it. I tried to explain to the 5 year old that they couldn't keep it because it was a girl & they already have a male cat. I told him that they would get married and have kittens. Then he started asking questions..... I then turned it over to his mom, who in turn just switched the subject & he let it go.

I remember when I learned about sex. Basically I asked my mom's good friend, how people on TV can get married, when they don't love each other.I assumed you get married, you automatically have kids. My mom decided to get me a cartoon book on the subject. I must admit, as gay as the book was, it made sense. Something about Mommy & Daddy take a bath together, then Mommy & Daddy get naked together.

It's crazy to think that we're going to have to explain that someday. Where in the hell can I get a copy of that book:)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Can't Think of Anything to Write..

On Friday, I sent the hot husband to go play some poker with the boys so I could go clothes shopping with a friend. You don't know how bad I wanted to buy something, but I realized none of it is going to fit me by the time summer rolls around anyways. I refuse to wear any ugly maternity clothes, and from what I've seen around here, there's not too many options.

Anyways, when I got home at 9:30, I ended up cleaning my bathroom like a mad woman until 11:30. I swear I scrubbed every tile in there! My morning sickness a.k.a sickness right before I go to bed kicked in this weekend as well... Lovely.

Then on Saturday I felt like I was hungover and all I wanted to do was sleep. I crave sleep. So I took a nap in the afternoon after our hike, and then we watched "Just Like Heaven," with Reese Witherspoon. Very cute movie for those who haven't seen it yet.

We have pretty much notified everyone that we know to expect our November baby, so now it's just a waiting game. My next doc appt. is April 14th to hear the heartbeat:) I did buy the cutest little Onesies (forgive me if I'm spelling it wrong,) and a few sleepers on my Friday night shopping trip. I felt like a big loser becuz everytime I looked at any of the baby clothes I swear tears started to form "awwwwww....ohhhhh.....," I think my friend & I were speaking another language. She's got a 1 year old and is considering working on another this Summer.

I know hot husband has tons of pics on his blog, but I promise I will post my own very soon! I keep reminding him we have to take some pics now, so that we can compare each month of my pregnancy. Suprisingly, I've lost 4 lbs. since I found out I was pregnant. My guess is because I've completely switched my diet to fruits, veggies, and the healthiest foods I've ever eaten. So I hope that's normal.

Anyways, I'm kinda blabbin on about nothing, so I'll give this post a break! Thanx for stopping by! Have a great Monday!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Lists, Lists & More Lists

November 13th! I noticed the hot husband has the wrong due date listed on his blog. We're actually due on November 13th, not the 14th. Over the weekend I had the enjoyment of bursting into tears for no apparent reason. Guess the pregnancy is really kickin in:) I had to laugh because the hot husband was being so sweet and asking me what was wrong, but of course I didn't have an answer for him.

While I was cleaning out my jewelry box today, I found 2 lists that I made years & years ago. The first was 25 Things I want To Do In My Lifetime, and also a list of baby names. I have 5 more things to accomplish on this list:

1. Write a book & finish. I barely have time to read a book, let alone finish writing one!
2. Travel to California, Boston, & Italy. Yeah, that costs money, which I don't have.
3. Have children. Working on it!
4. Watch sunrise with boyfriend. Well my husband won't let me have a bf, (keep in mind I made this list when I was in 9th grade) Can't say I've ever stayed up to watch the sunrise. Maybe we can do that when we are up with our baby:)
5. Have our own business. Give us a few years...still working on it.

As for the Baby Names List, here it is:

  1. Quinlan
  2. Noah
  3. Braeden
  4. Ian
  5. Elye
  6. Jonah
  1. Josephine
  2. Brie
  3. Ava
  4. Raquel
  5. Gabriella
  6. Elise
  7. Caitlin
  8. Brynn
Ava & Braeden are at the top of our list, not to mention I have a book of 50,000 different names, so who knows! I think it's time to make a new list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. I'll let ya know how that goes.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So I'm scamming out of work today, it's the only way I can have a day off! I told my boss I have school (it's Spring Break this week) so I'm going to have lunch with my sisters and run some errands. Not that anyone cares.

So my sister called me this morning & wants me to make a video for her to send into that gameshow "Deal or No Deal." I have yet to watch this show, but apparently she has to choose 5 people to go with her. So she's decided she wants to take me, hot husband, my 2 other sisters & my mom. Did you catch that? Hot husband will have to take a vacation with a bunch of chicks. He doesn't even know it yet. Who knows if she would even get picked, but she's a pretty deserving person, not to mention, she wins on EVERY lottery ticket she buys, and wins EVERY time we go gambling. She's so lucky at winning, and she deserves every bit of it!

So we're going to lunch to talk about this video & how we could make it stand out. If anyone has any ideas, we're open to any suggestions. Apparently everyone she has picked will have to be in it as well. A long time ago, my other sister signed us up to try out for Family Feud. hahah! How stupid is that? I would probably pass out the minute I had to talk in front of the crowd.

When we were in Mexico for my sister's wedding, I was told by my 2 older sisters that I had to give the speech because they are too embarassed to talk in front of I'm not. Anyways, to make a long story short, I got super nervous trying to think of something cool to finally I stood up, said my speech, sat down, and then the groom got up to say his speech. Then I remember not feeling too good. My heart was pounding, I felt like I was having a panic attack. So yes, I had a panic attack, and passed out in the middle of the grooms speech.

I woke up to my mom slapping my face and crying. And that, ladies & gentlemen, is my Most Embarassing Moment:)

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I love how the sound of rain is so soothing and relaxing (especially when you know you don't have to leave the house.) Of course this week it is going to be freezing again, and then hopefully winter will pack his bags and go on vacation. I'm ready for spring. All the snow melted yesterday, and it was so beautiful outside. We didn't do too much exciting for our first weekend of being pregnant. Friday night, my brother and his wife stopped by, so everyone was catching a nice buzz, while I drank my milk, and water. We watched a few movies this weekend, and here is my take on all of them:

WAITING: Unless you work or have worked in a restaurant this movie is pretty stupid. I think Ryan Reynolds is extremely funny, but this movie was super raunchy (hate that word) but that's what it was. I won't give details for those who would like to see it, but thumbs down.

JUST FRIENDS: Another Ryan Reynolds flick. It rocked! I would suggest this movie to anyone who wants to laugh their ass off.

WALK THE LINE: I thought the movie was made really well, but unless you like Johnny Cash or know much about him for that matter, the movie just seems to drag on..and on...and on..

We also rented Jarhead, but never had time to watch it. I haven't heard too many good things about it, so I probably won't go out of my way to rent it again.

Then today, we started cleaning all of our closets and getting the nursery ready. I know it's early, but we are so excited! My doc appt is on Friday, so I will let you all know how it goes. As for the closet cleaning...I can't believe how much crap we have! When we first bought our house 3-1/2 years ago, we barely had anything to fill it, now I have stuff thrown in closets that I haven't seen in ages. Spring cleaning is beginning a little early this year.

I finally watched Friday's DOOL episode today, and I am so annoyed that I still watch this show. I know it was only last week or so that I was complaining about it. (I think I complain about it after I finish each episode.) But anyways, all Mimi has to do is open her mouth & say "Shaun, you are Claire's father," instead of draggin it on for 3 F'N weeks by saying " I have something to tell you before we get married Shaun, and once you know, you won't want to marry me." AHHHHHHHHHHH.

Ok, I've got that off my chest. This post is not going in the original direction that I wanted it to, and now it just sucks. I'll be back tomorrow with something better!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Boobs Will Be HUGE!

I keep looking at the 3 pregnancy tests I took to make sure we're not stupid & reading it wrong. I guess it's because I don't feel pregnant and I don't have too many symptoms yet....according to my calculations, I would only be 4 weeks along, so it's pretty early yet.

I have my first doc appt. next Friday (St. Patty's Day.) We're pretty Irish, so that's exciting. I've always dreamt (is that a word?) of having a baby with the hot husband, and it just seems so surreal. He's been my best friend for over 9 years and I love sharing whatever life throws at us..together. So thank you, hot husband, for knockin me up!

Seriously though, we've been reading a few different pregnancy books together and I am soooo looking forward to my boobs growing! It said they can grow a whole cup size by 6 weeks. Within 2 weeks I'll give the term hot wife a whole new meaning:) I have 3 beautiful sisters, but none of us were blessed with big chests.

Of course, along with my boobs growing, so will my belly, ass & probably the rest of me! Such is life:) I'm hoping to take up baby yoga, but apparently no one offers it around here. So if anyone knows of any good DVD's, please let me know. Nothing else to report this week, besides I've been working an insane amount of hours at the office. I will have more time to write next week because it's Spring Break & I have NO CLASSES! I'll try to come up with some interesting things to entertain you with. Have a great day!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Good News!

So I guess all that sex has paid off....


HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It hasn't sunk in yet, I think I'm still in shock.
So thank you to everyone who wished hot husband & I the best of wishes.
I'm glad we can share our special moment with all of you!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another Saturday Night

Today Hot Husband & I particpated in a 5K race, well I wasn't racing, just trying to make it to the end without passing out! Hot Husband did pretty well 30 minutes & I was just over 34 minutes. It's funny, we just started training (if that's what you can call it.) this past week & it took me 16 minutes to run a mile. Guess we did a little better than we anticipated:) After that, I worked for a few hours, and we planned on whoopin it up this evening since we've been good all week. We went to the usual place for a few, and now I'm ready to pass out. Not drunk, just tired as hell. All that running takes a lot out of you. So I've noticed lately, that people seemed to be pissed off, alot more than usual. I went to get lunch yesterday, and ordered at the drive-thru, here's how it sounded:

BITCH: Would you like to try our new blah blah blah
ME: No thanks, I'd like a grilled chicken sandwich

BITCH: With a Coke,and curly fries.
(She wasn't asking, she was telling me)
ME: No a Mr. Pibb & can I get those potato bite things instead of fries?

ME: I'll pay extra, I just don't want the fries.

ME: Excuse Me?????
BITCH: You'll have to order than separately

I won't try to make this into a long story because everything happend in a span of 5 minutes. Needless to say when I got to the window, the chick had an attitude the whole time. Well it I had to deal with another crabass today, and Hot Husband was witness to it. He thinx I'm crazy, of course. What the hell ever happend to customer service? It's almost as you have to kiss someone's ass to help you these days. I could be wrong, but what do they get paid for anyways?

Last night we went to dinner, we walked in asked the guy to put our name down as we waited for a table. He didn't say anything, and then this girl comes in behind us and asks for her name. What the hell, are we invisible you little jackass? 2 days a go I was waiting in a line at a local office supplies store. A customer came up and asked the clerk about office furniture. After she told him she couldn's help him, she turned to me and said." I hate when people ask me questions about office furniture, I don't know anything about it.:"OK then, I bet that company has a very valuable employee right there. I'm done complaining, thanx for reading!


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Happy, my ass. I promised I wouldn't bitch about work, and I'm staying true to that promise, but what a crazy ass day. A few years ago, before my friend Ann moved to Minneapolis to attend Law School, we would always go out Thursday night (Ladies Night) and then we would "attempt" working on Drunken Fridays.

We did absolutely nothing besides fill ourselves with McDonald's,or any other hangover foods, drink a gallon of Sprite and take stupid pics of ourselves. And we laughed..and cried that our heads hurt so bad. Usually our heads hurt, from one of us trying to give the other one a piggy back ride, and of course crashing to the ground. Ahhhh, drunken Fridays.

Hot Husband & I have shared quite a few Drunken Fridays, and Mondays, and Tuesdays, and Wednesday, hell we might as well call it Drunk Week. Before you all jump to conclusions, that we are alcoholics, well ok, sometimes we are. But we're just trying to get it all out before we have little ones.

This whole baby making thing is a lot harder than you would think. For the past 5 months I've been charting my temperature, looking for signs, and having a lot of sex, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. We've talked to a lot of people that say that when they gave up, that's when they got pregnant. So if anyone can hear us, we're giving up. I can't complain yet, it's only been a few months, and I've had more sex in the last few months than all of my friends, put together.

It seems as though, a lot of my girlfriends are just not fans of sex. I think they are doing it wrong. How could you not enjoy it? My guess is that they are just not into trying new things, therefore sex becomes a chore.

Hot Husband & I have been together over 9 years, and our motto is "At least try everything once." I shouldn't say everything, because there is some pretty sick shit going on out there...but for the most part everything. Who knows you may find a side of yourself, you never knew existed. I think I'm going to start a business of making sex gift baskets to help women explore their sexuality and learn to be slutty; I'll include some porn, dildos, (notice there is more than one) K-Y, and a few bottles of wine. That should be enough to get someone started. And then maybe a coupon for Taco always seems to hit the spot. I gots to run, The Office is on!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

He Rocked My Pigtails...

This is my first post now I have to think of what to write. Besides for the fact that I'm feeling pretty buzzy from the Blue Moon beer, it's Wednesday, which I believe is also considered Hump Day. That soundz kinda fun:) I would talk about The Bachelor, but it's over with and everyone has already shared their thoughts on it, so I'll skip that one.

Did anyone see Days of Our Lives today? I am somehow drawn into that stupid show, and I hate the fact that I'm addicted to it like a drug. Someone needs to send that Chelsea bitch to prison.

Anyways, I just wanted to explain the name of my blog. First of all, my husband Nick...whom I will refer to as "Hot Husband," in all future posts, picked it. I'm assuming it's because he wants me to wear my hair in pigtails & let him rock my world. Anytime Sugar, anytime:) I love the fact that I can sit here at the computer & he just plays his guitar for me. A little bit of Green Day (my favorite.) Which is funny, because when I was a young'n I thought I was going to marry Mike Dirnt from Green Day...yes I was a crazed oops, string just broke, that didn't sound right!

Hot husband just asked my dog if he was looking at naked girls. Of course, there is a good explanation for this: I was going through a file cabinet at work and found some 1970's calendars with naked pics on them. Needless to say, I brought them home because i thought they were so funny with the big hair (in all places.) Enuf about 1970's naked chicks.

No worries, I will write some more posts when I'm not all buzzed up, but I have to admit, it's kinda fun. Here is my oath to anyone who may accidentally end up on my blog:

I promise to not BITCH about work
I promise to talk about sex, love & relationships
I promise to be completly honest
I promise to talk about sex
I promise to talk about, I can't think of anything else besides sex
I mean, I promise to talk about all the crazy shit that happens to me
