Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The first picture is my MESSY office, at least you know I work hard,
and the second pic is HH's way of saying Congrats.
Thanx Sugar, you made my day!

Monday, July 24, 2006

This post has been written over a span of 3 days...sorry, I've been busy!)
Can you believe I said "Good Morning" to Mr. Alice Cooper??????????? It was the highlight of my Friday:) I passed him on the street (he was playing at our fair) on my way to work. It rocked. Other than that, we had a little get together at our house which turned out to be a lot of fun (even though HH wussed out & fell asleep early...just kidding) But anyways, it was a nice weekend.

I believe I'm starting my nesting phase...besides for wanting to bake, I'm starting to feel the need to go through all my closets & clean them out.

I've been studying like a mad woman for the last few weeks & I'm happy to say that it has paid off. I passed my Real Estate Appraisal exam. WHOOOOOHOOOOOO! Guess I'm getting a sip of beer tonite:)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So it really hit me today, when a lady asked at the bank "How many weeks do you have left?" Of course I know pregnancy doesn't last forever, but I suddenly feel, like I'm no longer in the midst of pregnancy, but nearing the end.

Granted I'm only 6 months, but I'm visibly pregnant, we've already had the ultrasound, and now it just seems like the waiting game is on.

It's kinda crazy, to think how close we are, and how much our little guy has grown. He reminds me everyday that he's in there:) Anyways, do you like the Boyd's Bear I ordered? I think it is the cutest thing ever:) I'm such a freak, I felt like crying when I opened the box this morning. Guess hormones have that effect on ya. HH did take some pics of me to post, but I'm at work & can't access those pics right now, so the bear will have to do. I'm off to lunch, have a great day!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sorry I've been slackin on the posts, but life has kept me pretty busy. I am taking my state appraisal exam in 2 weeks, & I've been working on my Real Estate online classes. I can't wait until it's over with. My goal is to have both licenses by the end of August. That way, once the baby is born & I go back to work, I can start selling houses & do appraisals from home.

I am starting to feel Braeden everyday, sometimes just little flutters & sometimes it's so sudden & hard, it makes me jump. It's such a great feeling:) I'm now 23 weeks, and I also realized they have really ugly infant boys clothing around here. Not that our baby needs to be stylin all the time, but I would like to have some cute outfits. Guess we'll have to take a road trip. I found a couple of websites & ordered some cool stuff.

I apolgize for having nothing cool to write, but I'm just so busy with work, and studying. I feel like I have no creative energy in me, until I take this test & get it over with. A few more weeks. I'll post my 23 weeks photo, (we should be taking one tonite) so you can all see how Braeden has grown. Gotta Run!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

He's a Kicker!

Over this weekend, I felt Braeden kick...I mean really kick! I was shocked at how strong it was. I keep reading that it feels like "flutters," but I didn't expect it to be so noticable. And ever since then, I can feel it more often. It's the best feeling ever:) I'll have to have HH take a pic of me, my belly has grown quite a bit, I think I've gained a little over 10 lbs so far.

It was so nice to have a long weekend. Some good friends of ours from Minnesota came to visit, and it was just relaxing to be at home & not have too many plans. I love weekends like that..absolutely nothing to do.

So HH & I noticed that on Days of Our Lives...that everyone is related in someway. Chelsea is/was dating Max (who is technically her Uncle) Not to mention the whole Carrie/Lucas & Austin/Sami saga, where aunts & uncles now become stepdads & stepmoms....I wonder if the writers of that show ever stop & think how gross & incestuous some of their hookups are. Ick.

Suprisingly, we have gotten the heart monitor to work for us. In fact the first time I felt Braeden really kick was when we were messing around with the monitor, it was like he karate kicked my ass! I'm sure all of you mom's can remember the first time you really felt your baby moving around, it's amazing, isn't it?

I just felt it again (he must be thanking me for the Double Stuff Oreos I just stuffed my face with:)) MMMM GOOD. HH & I are off to take a walk, have a great night!