Thursday, August 24, 2006

So I spent the day out of town doing appraisals, and I came across this warehouse/store that had the CRAZIEST ITEMS ever. It reminded me of Pee Wee Herman's house in Pee Wee's Big Adventure. They had old circus cars, HUGE animals (including King Kong holding a baby,) old race cars etc. Just the oddest items you would never expect to see...and then I seen the weirdest of them all: An Amish man talking on a cell phone.

I wasn't aware that they were allowed to use modern technology. I'm obviously the furthest thing away from being an expert on the subject, but I've been to a few Amish communities and I guess that just blows me away.

Anyways, this place was crazy, but my camera was dead, so I couldn't take any pics! I'll have to take HH back someday he just wouldn't believe all the crap!

I wish it was Friday.

So last night I was CRABBY. No particular reason, it just all of a sudden hit me, I felt restless & bitchy, and annoyed. So I started cleaning & then tried to relax for a while. When that didn't work, I rubbed my stomach & thought of Braeden & it went away. How can you be in a bad mood when you are thinking of your precious little one? I'm sure in the future, when I'm at 24 hours of no sleep, and Braeden is crying, and I don't know why, I'll think a little differently, but for now, I'm happy.

HH said I've been laughing in my sleep, or the other night, it sounded like I was making kissing noises..... Don't know what that is all about, but thankfully, I've been sleeping a lot better the last couple of nights. Anyways, did I mention I wish it was Friday?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Shower

My baby shower couldn't have been more perfect, my family & friends rock! It was pretty laid back, no goofy baby games, but tons of food, wine & great conversation. I spent most of yesterday putting all of our thoughtful gifts away, so the nursery actually is coming along nicely. I didn't realize that some of the outfits we received are outfits, I thought they were all sleepers...My sister had to explain that to me. We've got so much to learn!

My belly is getting huge and it's reaching it's limit before it starts stretching. I've been using cocoa butter & lotion, but I have no idea if that will prevent stretch marks or not. Some say it does, some say it's an old wives tail. Either way, it's fun to rub my belly. I'm sure once I'm not pregnant, I may miss it, but I'm at the point now where I just want to have this baby. Granted it's only a few months away, but I just feel so limited at what I can do.

It's a pain in the ass to shave my legs, and as for my bikini's just a guessing game. It's getting harder to find a comfortable sleeping position, I just flip from side to side every 20 minutes. My back & feet hurt. I know it soundz like I'm complaining, however I'm just stating some simple facts that I'm sure anyone who has been pregnant would understand.

I know that all of it is worth it, so I'll just grin & bear it. I'm hoping my Yoga will start helping with a lot of it, I'll be back on my Yoga kick tonite. My doctor appt. went really well on Friday, so now we meet our delivery doctor in 3 weeks. My belly & weight is measuring where it should be for 28 weeks & I've gained just over 20 lbs. Although after this weekend, I probably gained 2o more.

Speaking of food...I'm off to make some PB toast!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I've really been enjoying listening to Braeden's heartbeat with our fetal heart monitor...until tonite. We bought the one that you can plug into your computer & record...well once I plugged it in, it started smoking. I don't know how, but somehow it got fried. What a piece of shit! At least I have a doctor appt. tomorrow, so I can hear it then.

Anyways, I'm just sitting here, the house is clean, the husband is out & about & I'm just looking forward to my baby shower tomorrow. My sister's are great at throwing a party & I know it won't be a typical "baby shower." I'd prefer not to play games, I'd rather sit back, relax, throw back a couple of margaritas (non-alcoholic for me of course) and just enjoy everybody's company.

I'm officially in my last trimester, and I definately have baby on the brain. I eat, sleep & drink baby. It's always on my mind. I'm pretty sure that's common. I suppose it's hard to think of anything else when he's kickin me all the time:) HH just walked in, so I gots to run!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My boss has been bugging the shit out of me (more than normal) so needless to say I bought myself a some Dilly Bars from DQ to brighten my day...they worked:) I've also scheduled a hair appt for tomorrow afternoon, so I think that will bring me out of my funk.
Braeden has been kicking like crazy everyday, and I swear I felt a karate kick to the ribs this morning. It's so cool, and the movement seems to be getting stronger with each passing day:) It's hard to believe that next week I'll be starting my 3rd Trimester....

We have this nightly ritual where we watch DOOL, then HH sets up his online poker game & I proceed to watch a few episodes of TLC's, A Baby Story. In the beginning, I used to watch it when HH wasn't around because I knew I was going to cry like crazy when the baby was born. Then he'd come home & wonder what the hell was wrong with me. Now he watches it with me & sometimes I hold my tears in, but the majority of the time I just use it as a training tool.

We've decided not to take any birthing classes, so we're learning as much as I can in other ways. So far, I've learned:

1. It's gonna hurt
2. Drugs are good
3. It's gonna hurt
4. It's hard to tell false labor from real labor...
5. I don't want 30 people in the room yelling at me to push
6. I can learn all the breathing techniques until I turn blue in the face, but when you're in active labor, you might forget everything you've learned & panic
7. I don't want to panic
8. I want to be as calm as possible (hahahaha... yeah right)
9. I don't want to be a screamer or swear...
10. I don't want anyone touching or rubbing me besides my husband. (HH-I'll kindly let you know if I want you to stop touching me.)
11. I have no idea what to expect
12. Did I mention I have no problem asking for drugs?
13. You forget all about the pain, once you hold your baby for the first time

This list may seem like I'm nervous, but so far I'm not. We will just educate ourselves on everything possible, and take it as it comes. Of course we have no idea how or when it will happen or how I'm going to react, but as of right now, I am just looking forward to meeting our little guy. I feel like I'm as ready as I'll ever be....but I've got a few more months to wait!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!!!!!
Here's to many more!
You Rock

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Have you ever had one of those dreams where your significant other breaks up with you and as hard as you try to get them back, you just can't win? I had one of those last night & it was so real & it sucked. Then you wake up & realize how miserable you would be without that person in your life.

It makes you appreciate them, and all the little things. Their smile, the way they look in their new glasses, the way they brush crumbs off their fingers...because no one else in the world does it like them. Even in the morning when they are getting ready for work & your lazy ass is still in bed, you open one eye, so as not to completley wake up, but enough for you to get a glimpse of them for the day.

When they put ketchup on mac N cheese, which is really weird, but yet they also are the only ones that can perfectly make bologna & mustard sandwiches... When they suprise you with flowers or extended foot massages....When they kiss your ever expanding belly and talk to the little one inside. When, for fun you two pretend to argue & throw insults at each other because you don't really have anything to argue about. Or how about when you used to get drunk together, watch Napoleon Dynamite or Days of Our Lives & then have the best sex ever? Or when it's Dance Party USA at your place? (Anybody remember Princess?)

Anyways, I could go on for days, but my whole point is to cherish all the great times & the love and truly appreciate those closest to you in life.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This is what I do when my boss isn't around.... He has this annoying rooster dog toy (that his dog is afraid of) This thing is beyond obnoxious, it's super loud & ugly, so I thought I'd dress it up a bit & leave it on his chair:)

Anyways, I deleted my Top 5 list the other day after reading HH's post. I thought I had hurt his feelings because he wouldn't email me back...of course I didn't know he was in a meeting. So anyways, I don't feel like re-writing my list. It took me a while to even come up with the 5 that I did! Gotta fly, it's 5!!!!