Friday, October 27, 2006

38 Weeks

My doctor appointment went very well this week. My doc said I'm 50% effaced & starting to dilate. He told me to make an appt for next week, but said he wouldn't be suprised if I had the baby before then! Needless to say, I'm kinda freaking out. In a good way, of course, but I'm pretty nervous. Strange things are starting to happen, so now it's just a matter of figuring out when to call the doctor, or when to head to the hospital.
Crazy. I probably won't write much for a while, so I'll leave it up to HH to update anyone on how things are going! Wish us luck!!!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I haven't had much time to write lately, I've been relentlessly searching the internet for ways to speed up labor, what to expect, how to prepare, blah blah blah. Our doctor informed us the baby has "dropped," and that's about I'm open to any suggestions to speed things up, if anyone cares to leave them!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

4 Weeks

I 'm going North of San Francisco into the cleaner air...those are the words of Mason Jennings, and I wish they were true for me. I can't wait to take a road trip with our little guy, and I've always wanted to see California.

I want to make sure Braeden is able to experience so many different things in life. I want him to be creative, I hope he loves to write, I want him to have passion for things in life besides watching TV. I want him to travel and see the world. I hope he's just like his Dad, and devoted to his family. I hope he has an endless enthusiasm to learn new things. I hope that he'll be known to be a caring, respectful & funny guy.

I guess it is true that you always want better for your kids than for yourself. I am so anxious & excited to start this new stage in our lives together. I know that it will be a challenge at times, but I just pray that we can instill the best values in our little man.

If you haven't noticed, I'm feeling a little more emotional than normal. With only 4 weeks to go, my mind is on overload. I can't believe we're going to be parents. Holy Crap. I'm ready.