Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I have been sitting at my desk for the last 9 hours and I haven't even made a dent in my "to do" pile. At least it's almost 5, so I can go home & not think about this crap until tomorrow again. And thankfully, it's a holiday weekend, I could use a nice vacation. Even if it's just sitting at home.

So the other day I parked in the parking ramp (usually I park right on Main St.) but the Parking Ticket Bitch is on a rampage & I can't afford her anymore. Anyways, I parked in our assigned spaces, and went on my merry way to the office. When our receptionist came in, she asked where I parked today, and when I said the ramp, she notified me that she put a "warning sticker" on my truck.

Let me tell you these aren't "warning stickers," they are "bright orange, super sticky, large won't come off my window" stickers. It took me 20 minutes to scrape the f'n thing off. I've worked with the lady for over a year & have a hard time believing she doesn't know what I drive.... Talk about being pissed off!

Well I'm done being pissed off, it's 5 O'Clock, I'm outta here!!!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Why do you talk so much?

As HH had said in his latest post, we spent some time with some of our crazy friends this past Saturday night. Actually, I should say our friends & one of our crazy friends wife. Let me give you a brief description of this chick: She talks...ALOT. The kind of person that you just nod your head in conversation, because she's too busy talking about her ex boyfriend, or fishing to let me get a word in. First of all, who talks about ex-bf's in front of their husbands, let alone talk about them at all? And secondly, I don't give a shit about walleye's, croppies, & fishing. I hate fish. I hate fishing. I don't eat anything that comes out of water.

I put on smile, and I must admit I was pretty proud of myself for not asking her to shut the hell up. My whole mood lightened up once a few of our other friends arrived. Finally, someone else to talk to! And as HH had mentioned, he got drunk...really drunk. For the most part it was funny, I know he was just having a great time. I think he was just celebrating that he's having a son:)

Speaking of our soon to be sson, we bought our crib & changing table last night. Nick, I mean HH put it all together by himself ( I think I was in the way:)) as I played around with one of those baby heart monitors. I always thought they were super expensive, but we picked one up for $20 at Target. We didn't hear Braeden's heartbeat, but according to the package, you *might* be able to hear it around 21 weeks, I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow. So we'll just keep trying. We'll post some pics, once we take them!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

I'm sure you have seen it already on HH's blog, but here are a few of our first pictures of our little guy! He was moving around like crazy in there, it was simply the best thing I have ever seen!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I experienced my first belly rubbing stranger today. Why in the hell would you think it's ok, to just rub someone's stomach that you've just met & have been talking to for 5 minutes. Initially, I tried to look past the awkwardness, but the more I thought about it, the more weirded out I became. Once you become pregnant, it's like you're not human. Most normal people wouldn't dare enter another's "personal space," that you just met. And once they go in to cop a feel, you almost feel rude to turn away. Even though they are being inconsiderate, how in the hell do you politely get yourself out of a situation like that?

Has anyone watched Days of Our Lives lately? Does anyone think it's weird that Chelsea & Max are dating, when he's Bo's brother? Which would make him her Uncle. Who in the hell dates their Uncle? She needs to leave the show anyways, she just bothers me.

I haven't had much energy lately, everythings getting bigger, I've been working my ass off at the job & when I get home, I just don't feel like doing anything. I've been attempting to work out again, so that I don't gain too much weight & hopefully make the labor go a little easier.

On Friday, we will be able to see our little one for the first time. I'm praying that he/she cooperates, so that we can tell what we are having. As much as I hope for a girl, I am starting to have an inkling that it's a boy. Of course I have nothing to back this up, maybe it's just because everyone keeps saying they think it's a boy. Between hot husband & I, we will let you all know what the doctor reports!

After my doctor appts., we are headed to Milwaukee to see a Mason Jennings concert. What a great way to celebrate. As stupid as it soundz, if his music doesn't have you grooving, then it has you falling in love. Some of his lyrics are so amazingly beautiful. Very talented guy.

Well I'm off to bed. Have a good evening!

Monday, June 19, 2006

1. Green is my favorite color.
2. I've lived in the same city my whole life.
3. I miss my Dad
4. I miss my other Dad
5. I have 2 dogs & 2 crazy ass cats
6. My mom's backyard is a pet cemetery
7. I have panic attacks
8. I making a pizza, & now I'm not hungry
9. I'm starting school ...again
10. I was runner up in my 9th grade spelling bee. I was too shy to stand in front of people that I called in sick.
11. I passed out in Mexico during the grooms speech. (My sister's wedding & my MOST embarrassing moment.)
12. I work a lot
13. I feel like my ass is getting bigger, along with my She-Ra arms & every other part of my pregnant body.
14. I love listening to my love play the guitar
15. I want to play the harmonica
16. I still love Green Day
17. I used to collect turtles, snow globes, oriental decor, and now it's $2 bills
18. I learned how to knit, & now I can't remember
19. My first car was a station wagon
20. I love to plan weddings
21. I love to entertain
22. I used to like cleaning, now I don't
23. I married my high school sweetheart
24. He was my first everything
25. I've attempted to save every stray animal I have come across
26. I am disgusted by more than one bug
27. I can't sing
28. I like to draw
29. I'm a Virgo
30. My cheeks get rosy when I drink liquor
31. I can't wait to have an alcoholic beverage in November
32. I have 3 brothers & 3 sisters
33. I went to church camp once, and "spoke in tongues"
34. I seen my Dad, after he had passed
35. I think my mom's house is haunted
36. I love 80's music
37. I had a re-occuring dream of David Bowie from "The Labrynth" since I was 10 years old.
38. I can not stand Rod Stewart
39. Did I mention, I hate Rod Stewart?
40. Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I watch "The Simple Life."
41. I'm addicted to Entertainment Gossip magazines
42. I've never broken a bone
43. I had to get stitches in my chin after a drunken fall 2 years ago, & I still have a scar
44. My favorite movie is Pretty In Pink
45. I started listening to the Dixie Chicks...the only country I'll allow in my house.
46. I used to call my friends dorks for listening to country
47. I like Cheese Whiz sandwiches
48. I haven't read a book in a long time.
49. I've never been stung by a bee
50. Daisies are my favorite flower

Sunday, June 04, 2006

10 Things About Me

11 Things About Me

1. I love to take pictures
2. I want to learn how to sew
3. I miss drinking beer
4. I've always wanted to live in California, (until I found out how expensive it is)
5. I was obsessed with Green Day in High School
6. I'm very loyal
7. I still watch MTV to make me feel young:)
8. I could live off of pizza, chocolate, Cheetos & 7-Up
9. I used to write a lot, I wish I had more time
10. I married my best friend
11. My house isn't normally that messy. I had to add this one because of hot husband's most recent post. We've just been busy:)

We Played "House."

This weekend was very productive for us. Besides doing quite a bit of yard work, I'm almost done cleaning the garage & tackling all the laundry that's been piling up all week. I was super tired earlier, but after my nap I was energized & just started moving.

Last night we practiced "being parents" by watching my 5 month old neice all night. She is such a happy baby, but it really opened my eyes to how much work we have ahead of us. Don't get me wrong, I never thought it would be easy, but I have to admit, I don't know what I would do without the Hot Husband. We worked as a team trying to bathe & change a baby who likes to move around alot.

It's been a long time since I've given a baby a bath, or had one in my possession for quite a few hours. Needless to say, I give sooo much credit to single mothers out there. Actually, I give credit to all mothers. It's quite a challenge, but I'm really looking forward to it:)

Everything went well at the doctor on Friday. I actually lost 3 lbs, but my doctor didn't say anything about it, so I'm assuming she wasn't worried. Also, our baby is apparently into acrobatics, he/she was playing hide & seek with the doctor when she was listening for the heartbeat. She'd hear it, & then a "swish" and then he/she would be on the other side of my belly. I almost shed a tear, and felt like a big dork when I did, but it was so cool to hear the heartbeat again. We have the ultrasound scheduled for June 23rd, so hopefully we can find out what we're having!

This week, I've got to get my state & national tests scheduled for my Residentail Appraisal license, and I've also decided to go ahead & obtain my Real Estate license. I've got a lot of work cut out before the baby comes, but I figure this is the best chance that I have right now to make money, and my own schedule. I know I complain about not winning the lottery..but you do have to play it, to even have a chance. I don't have any rich relatives, so I guess need to make money the old fashioned way, and work hard to get it.
